Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Do you need a foosball partner?

Wiped out again.   Everyone is telling me how tired I look this morning.  I think the Gloves (Danny Glover), said it best.  " I'm too old for this shit!"  I don't know if that is necessarily true.  I mean, I am relatively young.  And, although staying out late, paves the way for an awful morning.  Every moment spent in the evening is totally worth it.  Especially last night, as there wasmuch  celebration and sadness.

Last night my friends and their friends took over the Cha Cha.  We were there to celebrate Tristan's 21st Birthday, and sadly, Sarah's bon voyage to Portland.  I did not get to hang out with Sarah nearly as much as I would have liked.  Even in our brief relationship, she is one of the sweetest girls I have met in Los Angeles.  I will miss her for sure.  Neal, Christina, and myself  are already planning a trip to Portland in October!  I cannot wait!  I here is it so beautiful, and I am so anxious to see my Texas friends who have made their way on the Oregon trail.

Sally and Collin made their way out to the Cha Cha.  I know Sally fell in love with the place.  I am convincing her to move to L.A. !  Anyone who thinks L.A. is a terrible place, just has yet to experience it like I have.  There is so much this city has to offer!  I get a rush through my body, nearly everyday, of how great it is to be in this city!  Ever since the breakup, I have had a chance to take everything in, and begin to enjoy La La land to it's full extent.  AND, There is still so much more exploring to do! I can't wait!

As, I was walking around at the Cha Cha.  A gay guy approached me and asked me if I needed a foosball partner.  I really had no intention of playing foosball, but he kind of forced me into it...haha. So I asked Sally and Collin to come over and play foosball with us.  This dude, and myself schooled them !  Anyways, he was defiantly hitting on me, and it was kind of weird.  I do not have a problem with gay people at all.  My brother is gay, a lot of my friends are gay.  It's totally cool.  But, I still get uncomfortable when I am being hit on by a gay guy.  I guess its the same as if anyone was being hit on , by any unwelcome offer.  Luckily Tristan saw this, and sent in Christina to rescue me. haha.  Thanks my friend.

So, the lights came on, last call was over, and it was time to leave the bar.  I said my good-byes.  Tristan thought just because Sarah was leaving, that I would not be hanging out with these friends.  I thought that was silly.  All these kids are really cool, and I know we will be hanging out all the time!

So, we continue through this month.  AND a cray month this is!  All my friends from Texas decided to come this month.  I shall present the crazy schedule of friends who will be in town below:

Chart A:  Friends Who will be Visiting Los Angeles and Their Arrival Date:

Sally: Present
Franny: Present
John: August 7
Liz: August 10
Kam: August 14  :)
Marrissa:  August 15
Nichole:  August 18
Abby: August 19

I cannot wait to see everyone!  Its going to be nuts!

1 comment:

Black Market Funnel Cakes said...

good times, bud. holler. can you subscribe to blogs on here?