Friday, August 22, 2008

"We Were Epic"

I had no desire to go out last night.  But, as I was leaving work my friend Abby called.  She is in town with her boyfriend, and I had not seen her in forever.  So, naturally I wanted to take them out and show them a good time!  You know.. show dem da hood.

We started the night off at The Cha Cha.  Well, it was Tristan, his roommate, and Jodee.  Tristan ran into one of his friends Molly.  I recognized Molly right away.  If you are at all familiar with the Defamer website, you know Molly as the girl who makes the "to do" videos.  Anyways, she was really cool, and her "husband"  very nice as well.  Abby and Brandon arrived at the Cha Cha, and a line had formed at this point. So rather than have them wait, we headed over to Little Joy.  

It was great getting to hang out with Abby.  It has been a while since I have seen her, and she has become a very sweet girl.  First time meeting Brandon, but he is a good guy as well.  SO, we hung out there for a lil' bit, then made out way to short stop for a drink.  I have been To Little Joy the past 3 nights in a row.  Feels like I am finding a cozy spot in this town. ha.

It was getting late, and we decided to call it a night.  I am sure I will be seeing Abby and Brandon either tonight, or tomorrow for sure.

By the by.... Party at the Red House tomorrow! Let me know if you want in on the deets.

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