Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is throwing sand out the window considered littering?

Yesterday after work, I met up with Lauren to go ride bikes down to Buffalo Exchange.  I THOUGHT it was Tristans last day, so we went to go surprise him and celebrate. BUT, it was not Tristans last day.  Yet I still celebrated by getting a couple articles of clothing. haha.

On the way to Buffalo, the rear tire on my road bike got an awful flat.  I filled it up, to no avail, it was flat moments later. So, Lauren rode her bike home, got her car and picked me up from B.E.  Thank you LAUREN! You are the best!

She got ready to go out, and then we went to my place, and I got ready to go out. The we went to Spaceland.  Spaceland on mondays are usually a hit and miss.  Its a Hit earlier, and the atmosphere misses as it gets crowded and super hot.  Nothing like a room full o' sweaty hipsters!  We did catch a good band called The Drones, from Australia.  Kind of reminded me of Frog Eyes in a way...

It was hot and crowded, so we decided to beat it.  On the way out, I was stopped by a cute girl with short hair.  She told me that she has seen me all over the place.  Her name is Kate, or Cate.  I must type this or I will forget it.  We made plans to run into each-other again. haha.

I believe tonight shall be movie night at Neals, with a possible Little Joy afterwards.  Everyone is totally welcome to movie night by the way.  Its across the street from Little Joy, in the Red house, and Neal sets up a Movie Projector in the back yard, and there are couches and what not.  Tonights movie I believe is Scoresese's "After Hours". Starts at 9pm !

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