Monday, August 4, 2008

Caution: Sarah Spilled (:( ) : The Weekend Wrap Up

Wow, what a super long weekend we had here. haha.  I have not suffered from so much day exhaust since college.  The fatigue continues into today , where I overslept for work.  This is probably the first time this has ever happened to me, being that I am so anal about punctuality.   I was only an hour late, but still..I suck.  So with my weary hands, I will briefly sum up this weekends festivities.

Afterwork, I made a long time overdue journey to the 99 cent store.  The 99 cent store is a heavenly haven for Mr. MacFrugals, like myself.  I went to buy supplies for distressing t-shirts.  I am in the process of distressing one now.  If it goes good, I shall continue to make some awesomeness.

Later that night I met up with Sarah, Christina, and Neal.  We went to an "amoeba records" party over in the Echo Park area. It was a small house overflowing with all sorts of peeps.  It was pretty comforting actually.  It reminded me of a House party from home, with the only exception being, I did not know ANYONE.  But it was a lot of fun!  And I made new freinds, and was cake, and poetry magnets, and a DJ, and police officers.  It got busted around 2, by this time Sarah and Christina had taken off,  and Neal and I were left to fight through the party.  Neills friend Alex had left her jacket at the party, she texted Neal, and asked for him to find it.  I found the jacket sitting behind a HUGE black dude passed out in a chair. Alex was over at Neals, and like a night in shining armor, I returned the jacket to the princess with honor and dignity. haha.  I just made a recollection of the "Glass Slipper" incident at Rachels' party a little while ago. haha.  So, we hung out at Neals for a lil' bit. played some arcade, played with an adorable kitten, then it was time to call it a night.

Needless to say, I was completely exhausted Saturday.  I do recall sneaking in from Friday nights activities around 8am...whoops. haha. So I spent a good deal of the day sleeping.  I went on my daily bike ride around town.  Got re-aquatinted with my old friend television, which I NEVER watch anymore.  It's not that I am anti-TV watching , I am pro- so much other awesome things to do that do not involve sitting at home!  Anyways, I rested all day.  Then It was time to go out again.  I went to a "Dance" Party over at Sarahs.  She is moving, so they have an empty apartment.  It was good times!  Not much dancing, but still very nice.  Made some new friends here as well. Maybe some possible business connections.... haha.  I did not want to stay out TOO late again, so I left around 3... haha.

Still exhausted.  I took a bike ride around town, stopped at Micky D's for an ice cream cone, came home and cleaned the bathroom. haha.  Then , I was time for ASSSSSCAT at the UCB theatre.  The guest monologuist that evening was Greg Proops from Who's Line is it Anyways.  He seemed a lot more flamboyantly gay in person, then he seems on TV.  The night was funny, but I don't know if it was as comical as usual. Maybe it was the absence of Matt Walsh? Still great, just not AS GREAT, haha.  Afterwards, I met up with Sarah and Tristan and some others at the 101 cafe.  Hung out for a little bit, and went to meet Miss Sally Glass, who is in town for a few days, over at the Drawing Room.  Hung out for a little while, then it was totally bed time!

After showing up to work an hour late... I want to sneak out a little early to go catch Conor Oberst at  Amoeba, then Tonight is Sarah's Going Away/ Tristans Birthday party at the Cha Cha! 

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