Thursday, August 21, 2008

"I think you are pretty cute"

Big day for Technology and myself!  Yesterday after work, I headed to the Apple store over at the Grove. YES.  It was time for me to make the leap to ... the.... Iphone.  So far it is WAY awesome, and all the fun is coming from setting it up still.  I will spend a good portion of the day entering phone numbers and putting apps on my phone.  Hoorah!

At the Grove there was a big stage set up for some sort of event.  As I was walking around , I saw some signs informing me who was performing.  None other than The Temptations!  Well actually, I think they are all dead except for one. But HE was there, with an all new Temptations back up band.  I stayed for a couple songs, then It was time for me to meet everyone at Barrigans.

Barrigans was a good time.  Wednesday nights are cheap margarita nights.  Our table of 6 was drinking all night, and the tab only came to 26 bucks.  Pretty incredible. haha.  I ran into the cute girl who I made a "plan" to "run into" this week.  Tristans' sister and her friend, preceded to get incredibly intoxicated.  

After Barrigans, we headed over to Little Joy for 2 seconds.  Tristans sister and her friend could not get in because they were under age.  So we headed over across the streets to Neals to hang out.

It was cool. We all got on the roof, and had a great view of Echo Park.  Tristans sister revealed to me in a drunken stupor  that she thought I was cute, and kept leaning on me.  It was kind of funny. And I kept thinking that her friend was going to fall off the roof. Oh to be young again. haha.

OK. time to play with the iphone.

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