Friday, August 15, 2008

You Make Cute Noises When You Sleep

I am currently listening to the "Wood/Water" album from The Promise Ring.  This is one I had to dust off from the collection.  It is a simply outstanding record, and what an awesome note to leave on. I feel what SeaChange did for Beck, Wood/Water did for the Promise Ring.  Oh man, good memories are flooding :)

So, Kam and Cassie came into town yesterday!  Kam had some friends drop her off at my work as I was getting off.  We head to my place for a lil bit, eat some mac and cheese, and head off to the airport to go pick up Cassie.  We head back to my place, and the girls get ready for an evening out.

We make our way to Christina's place.  It was the last night of her LA residency ,  before she moves to the OC.  So, we meet Christina, Tristan, and Neal.  Drink a bit around the apartment, light some sparklers, and head over to the Cha Cha to begin the night. We hang out until midnight.  That is the moment we are supposed to be able to get in to La Cita. 

Midnight strikes and we head downtown to La Cita.  If you have never been to La Cita, DONT GO. STAY AWAY from La Cita!  You have been warned!  It is some sort of club/bar, that is reminiscent of a dirty dirty mexican restaurant/flea market.  The people there were lame, it was packed, and left a gross feeling all around.  Needless to say it was getting late, and we leave early.

I played dad, and drove the girls through McDonchers for a late late dinner. We eat said meal, and promptly pass the fuck out!

Tonight, my buddy Tony and I are supposed to take Kam and Cassie out on a "double date".  Should be fun!

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