Friday, August 29, 2008

"Is this a Strip Club?"

What a weird night.  We explored new grounds.  We explored uncharted territory.  We were K Town!

We met at Tristans around nine.  Joddee, Myself, and Neal.  I was already getting way sleepy at this point, and the night had yet to begin.  If only I knew what was in store.... haha.  So, we decided to walk down to Frank N' Hanks (this was only our first walk of the bipedal evening).  The bar was reminiscent of what seemed to be  old school Hollywood .  Back from the era of Hollywood glamour.  It was small, and the dartboard and jukebox took up the majority of the room.  There we met Morgan, Ingrid, and Nicole .  While we were there, Joddee's friend, was kind enough to send us a pizza to the bar, from wherever he was at!  It was way rad!  Thank You to whoever you are... haha.  So we stay for a little bit, and walk towards some sea-themed Bar attached to a hotel ( I am not sure if it was a hotel or apartments, but definitely a hotel at some point in time).

We all agreed to walk there, not knowing how far the trek would be... We walk for about 15-20 minutes, and arrive at the deserted bar.  It was dead dead dead.  We had a drink and got out of there.  At this point it was already a weird vibe walking around K town dead on a Thursday night.  There were talks of Karaoke, but we opted to walk back to Tristans instead.. it was 1 and we had a 20 minute walk ahead of us.  

During the long walk back, the gang continued to get distracted, wanting to head into the shadiest of Bars.  The oddest one l was probably " Temptation: Bara Latina ", Which in fact was NOT a strip club, but some other hispanic dive.  Tristan described it best, as we walked in "it was like an old fashioned western, where everyone stops talking and stares at us as we walk through the saloon doors".  So, we got the hell out of there post haste. Made it back, went home, and went to sleep.

Overall, a very odd night.  I guess because we were away from the usual stomping ground.  The feelings linger on into today....

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Oh to Cats and Mice...

I start with work.  I never speak of work in my blog, because there is nothing really new and exciting to talk about.  But, Yesterday...oh dear, Yesterday....

  I was promoted from a Production Assistant a couple months ago.  I was so relieved that I would never have to to PA work again... well at least at this job.  However, Yesterday, I was able to relive the PA experience with a shit ton of manual labor.  You see, we have been combining our 2 offices ( Hollywood and Santa Monica) into one Hollywood location.  So, owning a minivan, I was asked by one of the PA's to help move some Ikea furniture...but oh it was so much more.  I wont go into detail, but we did spend over 10 hours moving heavy boxes back and forth across town.  I thought that there would be no way to survive going out last night, after such heavy feats.  But, I mustard the strength and had a GREAT night.

Started the night out by meeting Tristan, Jason, Neal, and Chris at Barrigans.  This was probably the first Mens night out in a while, or the first one I can remember hanging out with "the group" .  We stayed at Barrigans for a while, enjoying the 2 buck Margaritas.  We spotted a couple girls who were really cute, but we were afraid to approach.  Tristan is usually a stong helper of introducing us to the opposite sex, and he tried.  

Afterwards we headed to the Gold Room for about 3 minutes.  Probably the cheesiest bar I have ever been to.  It was 1984 all over again.  And, I am pretty sure the cheese ball factor was not ironic. haha

After, We head to Little Joy, and Jason and I spot the 2 respective girls we thought were cute.  It took a potential "gang war" outside, to initiate conversation.  So I introduced myself to the girls.  I think they were a little inebriated at this point. They were from Utah, and cute drunk.  Only problem is, they had guys barricading themselves around them.  I think they were in the friend zone, but the guys did not realize.  So Jason and I spend a good majority of the night trying to talk to the girls.  The guys were just putting on too much pressure, and made things too difficult to talk.  At the end of the night, I swapped numbers with the girls.  In their state of mind while under the influence,  writing down the phone number she added an extra digit. So, we left the bar with a 3 digit area code and an 8 digit phone number.  Hopefully they will be the ones calling me.... haha

Man!  Cannot wait for the 3 day weekend! FAAAAAAAANTASTIC

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I cut my hair.  Its short.  I look a little douchey .  See Myspace "2008" for a picture. 

Last night was movie night at The Red House.  The screening this week was Otto Preminger's "Bunny Lake is Missing".   The film revolves a brother and sister in search of the sister's 4 year old daughter, Bunny, after she disappears from school.  The investigators question if Bunny is real or a figment of the sisters imagination.  The film is from 1965, and was pretty advanced for its time.  It dealt with some heavy subject matter.  The running time could have been trimmed by 15 - 20 min.  A lot of unnecessary content.  But, over all a good film.  The are re-making "Bunny" in 2009.  I think the premise is payed out by more recent films such as "Flightplan" with Jodie Foster.  As well, as that other film where all the children in the world go missing.  I remember aliens being involved in that one, or some shit like that. haha.

After the movie,a group of us headed across the street to Little Joy to hang for a bit.  Tristan was convinced it was gay night.  I denied it at first, but as he pointed out the bar patrons, I could see he was right.    How odd of Little Joy to have a gay night, whether it be official, or un-official.  

Tonight, I really want to get my rower, since I did not last night.  It is also Barrigans Night, and we may venture to the Gold Room.  Yes.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Row Row Row

Not much to write home about.  Last night I went to Spaceland.  I caught an acoustic act who was pretty good, but ended on a lousy note with a dumb song about Pirates. haha.  I ran into my friend Summer.  It was good seeing her, and I wish I saw her more often.  I stayed for an hour or so before it started getting fuller.  Then I was off to meet Tristan at Little Joy.  Heading out of Spaceland I saw Blake Sennett (Rilo Kiley, The Elected) hanging out by himself, sans Wynonna Rider.  I was then informed they broke up last week.  Which means she is available.......haha.  

I met Tristan, hung out at Little Joy for a lil' bit. Headed over to Short Stop for a smoke, and called it a night.  A pretty un productive evening. 

I decided I want to get a rowing machine.  It is supposed to be an awesome full body workout.  I have always enjoyed using those, and it is something I can use for longs amount of time while watching TV or a movie.  The rowing machine reminds me of my Dad.  I remember him getting one when I was young, that I loved playing on , and he never used. haha.  I have been on an exercise kick, and I am doing pretty well.  I use one of those giant workout ball things daily, and am using CJ's perfect pushups.  Plus, the cardio from my bike riding is good .  A Rowing machine will be a welcome addition, and I know I would use it every day after work.  Thats what is cool.  I have reached the point in my workout, where I do it everyday, without having to push things out of the way.  It is now routine. SO, maybe I will check out my rowing options at Sports Authority or some place tonight.

After my rowing mission, it is movie night at Neals. Good times!

Monday, August 25, 2008

"Is Your Name Jasepy?" The Weekend Wrap UP

Somebody stole the bike light and left handlebar off my cruiser.  What is somebody going to do with my bikes left handle bar?  What an idiot... ANYWAYS, I had a very long and eventful weekend!  Time to wrap it up.

- Hung out with Lauren, Tristan, Neal, Neals' Friend, Jodee, Ingrid, and Ingrids friend
- Checked-out the neighborhood Bar a block over from my place.  It was really nice and low lit. And oddity in the neighborhood.  We did not learn to much from it, except that it was called "Temporary Spaces" and maybe has potential to be cool?
- We Headed downtown to Bar 107, stayed briefly, then decided to leave downtown
- Hit up the Little Joy and Short Stop
- Ate a very Very late dinner @ Freds in Los Feliz

Hung out with Christina
-  Took my Bike in the shop ( already broken) :(
- Ate Taco Bell
- Watched some AFV
- Did some Laundry
- Ate at the most open and spacious BK Lounge of alllll time
- Went to a BBQ/Show at some DIY venue, that was TOTTTALY AWESOME!  I would love to book some shows there, just because the place was so rad.  Favorite place to see music thus far in L.A. It also really really made me want to play music again.  Look for that soon? haha
- Little Joy/ Short Stop
- Neals' Fantastic Party! (Pictures on Myspace)

- Dollar Movie with Lauren (The Visitor.  Not so great) ( Oh yeah, there was also a terrible, laughable,  and super long commercial at the the theatre for the army featuring Kidd Rock. Try to find it on youtube if you can)
- UCB Theater for the Rock N' Roll Performance of ASSSSSSCAT
- Sandwich supplies at the Grocery Store
- Last Comic Standing with CJ
- Sleep

This weekend was never ending, and it was fantastic!  I had fun with everyone!

Friday, August 22, 2008

"We Were Epic"

I had no desire to go out last night.  But, as I was leaving work my friend Abby called.  She is in town with her boyfriend, and I had not seen her in forever.  So, naturally I wanted to take them out and show them a good time!  You know.. show dem da hood.

We started the night off at The Cha Cha.  Well, it was Tristan, his roommate, and Jodee.  Tristan ran into one of his friends Molly.  I recognized Molly right away.  If you are at all familiar with the Defamer website, you know Molly as the girl who makes the "to do" videos.  Anyways, she was really cool, and her "husband"  very nice as well.  Abby and Brandon arrived at the Cha Cha, and a line had formed at this point. So rather than have them wait, we headed over to Little Joy.  

It was great getting to hang out with Abby.  It has been a while since I have seen her, and she has become a very sweet girl.  First time meeting Brandon, but he is a good guy as well.  SO, we hung out there for a lil' bit, then made out way to short stop for a drink.  I have been To Little Joy the past 3 nights in a row.  Feels like I am finding a cozy spot in this town. ha.

It was getting late, and we decided to call it a night.  I am sure I will be seeing Abby and Brandon either tonight, or tomorrow for sure.

By the by.... Party at the Red House tomorrow! Let me know if you want in on the deets.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

"I think you are pretty cute"

Big day for Technology and myself!  Yesterday after work, I headed to the Apple store over at the Grove. YES.  It was time for me to make the leap to ... the.... Iphone.  So far it is WAY awesome, and all the fun is coming from setting it up still.  I will spend a good portion of the day entering phone numbers and putting apps on my phone.  Hoorah!

At the Grove there was a big stage set up for some sort of event.  As I was walking around , I saw some signs informing me who was performing.  None other than The Temptations!  Well actually, I think they are all dead except for one. But HE was there, with an all new Temptations back up band.  I stayed for a couple songs, then It was time for me to meet everyone at Barrigans.

Barrigans was a good time.  Wednesday nights are cheap margarita nights.  Our table of 6 was drinking all night, and the tab only came to 26 bucks.  Pretty incredible. haha.  I ran into the cute girl who I made a "plan" to "run into" this week.  Tristans' sister and her friend, preceded to get incredibly intoxicated.  

After Barrigans, we headed over to Little Joy for 2 seconds.  Tristans sister and her friend could not get in because they were under age.  So we headed over across the streets to Neals to hang out.

It was cool. We all got on the roof, and had a great view of Echo Park.  Tristans sister revealed to me in a drunken stupor  that she thought I was cute, and kept leaning on me.  It was kind of funny. And I kept thinking that her friend was going to fall off the roof. Oh to be young again. haha.

OK. time to play with the iphone.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ohhhhhh man.

I am typing this with 2 and a half hours of sleep on my back.  I was pretty dumb last night.  But, let me start from the beginning... ( wavey motion effects)

Last night was movie night over at Neals.  He has a fantastic setup in his backyard.  It contains, A movie screen, sound system, couches, chairs, hay, benches, all amongst other things to sit on.  Last night Neal showed Scorseses' "After Hours".  I took a class in college teaching strictly the films of Martin Scorsese, and After Hours was one that I had missed.  There were between 10-15 people at the screening. And,  Let me tell you, After Hours is a fantastic film!  I was so impressed.  Probably one of my favorite Scorsese films, even after my initial screening.  It was quirky, dark, funny, uncomfortable, exhausting.  If you have not seen this move.  See it NOW!

Afterwards, we headed over to the Short Stop for a little bit.  Did a little bit of dancing, a little bit of hanging, and took off to go to Little Joy.  Hung out at Little Joy for a while.  Met up with Tristans' sister, and her friend.  Christina gave me a pair of pants (Thanks Christina!). And that was about the extent of it.  I was overly exhausted and could not wait to crawl into my bed.  After Hours, made this ever more desirable.  So I take off for home.

As I reach the door to my apartment, I realize I am not wearing my keys around my neck . I also realize that my house key is in the apartment on my desk in the living room.  I am locked out of my house.  I Call CJ. Phone is Off.  I repeatedly call Chelsea. No Answer.  Its after 2am... what do I expect.  I can hear Roxie crying for her papa from the inside.  So, I call the neighbors to crash at their place.  They are out eating.  So I sneak into the apartment below me ( Its empty at the moment).  I weigh my options from their balcony.  No way I can get myself to out balcony.  So, I meet up with the neighbors at Kitchen 24.  Their first suggestion involved me getting onto the roof, and lowering myself onto the balcony.  I checked it out.  I would have to swing inwards, otherwise falling to my death. haha.  Maybe not that dramatic.  PLUS, I figure, if by some freak chance the balcony door was locked, I would be stranded.  I would be forced to leap from balcony to balcony like an ape man, most likely plunging to my death.  So I veto that idea.  Then Jodee has the brilliant idea of calling the apartment manager. DUH.  Why did I not do that in the first place?  I was afraid to wake her, but she is totally cool.  SO, I wake her up, get the extra key, and viola! I am in!  I was so freaking relieved.  I was smiling ear to ear.

I am such a freak, and a little OCD, when it comes to having my keys, and locking myself out of places.  I cant believe I did that!  Needless to say, it was very late at this point. And it was very much time for bed. Lets see how fun work is today...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Is throwing sand out the window considered littering?

Yesterday after work, I met up with Lauren to go ride bikes down to Buffalo Exchange.  I THOUGHT it was Tristans last day, so we went to go surprise him and celebrate. BUT, it was not Tristans last day.  Yet I still celebrated by getting a couple articles of clothing. haha.

On the way to Buffalo, the rear tire on my road bike got an awful flat.  I filled it up, to no avail, it was flat moments later. So, Lauren rode her bike home, got her car and picked me up from B.E.  Thank you LAUREN! You are the best!

She got ready to go out, and then we went to my place, and I got ready to go out. The we went to Spaceland.  Spaceland on mondays are usually a hit and miss.  Its a Hit earlier, and the atmosphere misses as it gets crowded and super hot.  Nothing like a room full o' sweaty hipsters!  We did catch a good band called The Drones, from Australia.  Kind of reminded me of Frog Eyes in a way...

It was hot and crowded, so we decided to beat it.  On the way out, I was stopped by a cute girl with short hair.  She told me that she has seen me all over the place.  Her name is Kate, or Cate.  I must type this or I will forget it.  We made plans to run into each-other again. haha.

I believe tonight shall be movie night at Neals, with a possible Little Joy afterwards.  Everyone is totally welcome to movie night by the way.  Its across the street from Little Joy, in the Red house, and Neal sets up a Movie Projector in the back yard, and there are couches and what not.  Tonights movie I believe is Scoresese's "After Hours". Starts at 9pm !

Monday, August 18, 2008

" I just felt uncomfortable" : The Weekend Wrap Up

It seems like the longest entries should come from the weekend.  This is where all the activity takes place!  Well technically 3 times the activity during an average post. As it spans a course of 3 days... I guess too much goes on to get into detail, and I am too lazy to type a lengthy post.  Hence, why I have the LIST.

So without further adieu ....

Mystery of the Disappearing Girls
Bike Riding to Neals
Watching the Olympics covered in snow
Delicious Birthday Cake at Dana and Alex's
Little Joy
Back to Neals

Bike Ride
Lunch @ Cliftons downtown ( TOTALLY AWESOME!) w/ Christina and her sister
Little Joy/ Short Stop with Tristan (no Kirsten...)
Meeting a SUPER drunk Aunt and her Niece and taking them to a party...
Full Moon party in Los Feliz w/ Tristan and the Crazy Drunk lady and girl. haha

Lazy morning
Watching The Office w/ Pauli and Jodee
Going to UCB theatre with Jodee
Meeting a bunch of people at the Cha Cha after UCB
Late night McDonalds

So, brings us to monday.  It was a looooong weekend, but a fun one!  I think I want to start doing a little acting again...

Friday, August 15, 2008

You Make Cute Noises When You Sleep

I am currently listening to the "Wood/Water" album from The Promise Ring.  This is one I had to dust off from the collection.  It is a simply outstanding record, and what an awesome note to leave on. I feel what SeaChange did for Beck, Wood/Water did for the Promise Ring.  Oh man, good memories are flooding :)

So, Kam and Cassie came into town yesterday!  Kam had some friends drop her off at my work as I was getting off.  We head to my place for a lil bit, eat some mac and cheese, and head off to the airport to go pick up Cassie.  We head back to my place, and the girls get ready for an evening out.

We make our way to Christina's place.  It was the last night of her LA residency ,  before she moves to the OC.  So, we meet Christina, Tristan, and Neal.  Drink a bit around the apartment, light some sparklers, and head over to the Cha Cha to begin the night. We hang out until midnight.  That is the moment we are supposed to be able to get in to La Cita. 

Midnight strikes and we head downtown to La Cita.  If you have never been to La Cita, DONT GO. STAY AWAY from La Cita!  You have been warned!  It is some sort of club/bar, that is reminiscent of a dirty dirty mexican restaurant/flea market.  The people there were lame, it was packed, and left a gross feeling all around.  Needless to say it was getting late, and we leave early.

I played dad, and drove the girls through McDonchers for a late late dinner. We eat said meal, and promptly pass the fuck out!

Tonight, my buddy Tony and I are supposed to take Kam and Cassie out on a "double date".  Should be fun!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chick and Cheese Enchiladas: Liz's last night in Town

Last night was Liz's last night in town.  So, after work, Liz, Pauli ( my neighbor), and myself went to go eat at a pretty sweet mexican restaurant across from The Bright Spot, in echo park.  I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the restaurant.  But, for what it was, the atmosphere ( at least the outdoor portion), and the cuisine were mighty fine :)  

After Dinner, the girls and I headed down the street to go meet some friends over at Barriagns for some 2.50 Margaritas.  This was my first time at Barrigans.  It was pretty rad.  Liz described it as a haunted mexican restaurant.  And, if you were ever curious were all the hispanic hipsters hang out in the the city.. go to Barrigans! haha.  

Its a bummer Liz and I didn't get a change to go to the AA factory store.  She was going to let me use her discount!  Oh well, I probably don't need any more clothes at the moment anyways.

So Liz, left for the airport at 5:30 am.  Time for a new batch. haha.  I am so stoked that Kam is coming in town as I type this sentence out!  She is in mid route in an airplane high above.   She is meeting me here at work, and when I get off, we are heading over to Bob Hope Airport to pick up Cassie.  I get to hang out with these fine ladies until Monday!  Can't Wait!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tick Dick

Last Night was CJ's big night.  It was his first time to perform stand up comedy, EVER!  It was over at the Hollywood Improv. So, After work, Liz came by to bring me my car, and we headed on over.  Let me start off by saying, how much I despise Hollywood/West Hollywood Bars and Clubs.  

-No Parking/Expensive Valet/Expensive Lots
-Cover to Get in
-Waiting in Line
-Douchebaggy People
-Expensive Drinks/Food
-Super Crowded

-Can't really think of any at the moment

So, The Improv, is your typical Hollywood club, only in Comedy form. I was forced to buy 2 items against my will, even though I was not hungry or thirsty.  I can understand a minimum if it was a free show, but we had to buy tickets!  AND STILL, they force snacks and beverages upon us!  

ANYWAYS, I am getting off on a rant, and this is all besides the point.  CJ was AWESOME!  I was really nervous for him. But, He killed it!  I see A LOT of comedy out here, and by a lot, I mean at least twice a week.  He could easily fit in with any of the comedy shows I have been to.  I wish I could say the same for the rest of his class.  Nick M. was pretty good, but other than those 2, it was pretty weak.  No one really seemed nervous, their material was just not too strong.  But, Congratulations to CJ.  Hopefully this will be the start of some awesomeness in the comedy world!

Afterwards, Liz and I headed back to my place where we met Christina.  We went to go meet everyone from the comedy show over at Big Wangs.  But, being a Hollywood Bar, There was a long wait to get in, so we ditched the place.  We headed to the much more comforting, Cha Cha.  It was free foosball night.  I took on Liz and Christina by myself, and was not so great. haha. BUT, My friend Tony shows up, and we school them!  We defined foosball that night! .... Whatever that means, haha.  But, we were all tired so we did not stick around for too long.  Fun night for sure.

Tonight is Liz's last night in town.  We may try to go to the AA Factory Store downtown, so I can use her discount! Hoo-rah.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chicken Tits and Duck People

Last Night Liz and I went to the Residency night at Spaceland.  Megapuss ( Devandra Banhart's side project) was playing.  Usually Monday nights get fairly crowded, but last night was PACKED.  I think everyone wanted to see Devandra.  No Natalie sighting however. haha.  Their set was ok.  The Highlight was probably when Aziz ( Human Giant) got on stage and sang "Duck People".  We met Tristan there.  It was hard for me to concentrate on anything because I was so hungry the whole time.  And, I was very vocal about it. haha.  So After Megapuss, we meet up with Christina and Raquel outside, and decide to go grab a late dinner at the 101 Cafe.
101 was fantastic like usual.  Tristan insisted we order the Chocolate Waffle Ice Cream desert, since Liz was here on vacation.  So we did, and so we ate!  It was my first time to have it, and although I was utterly stuffed from my meal.  The Desert was mind numbingly good.  I sat for about 10 min, Spoon in hand, taking the tiniest of bites, unable to resist eating from the glorious mound of waffle, ice cream, and syrup.   We were all full and tired.  Everyone knew that they were going to sleep well that night. haha.

Tonight CJ performs Standup for the first time ever!  It's over at the Improv, and it will be a lot of fun.  I am kind of nervous for him.  I think stand up is probably the hardest of the performing arts.  Can't wait to see him kill! ( or bomb) either way is funny...haha.  Good Luck tonight!

Monday, August 11, 2008

All You can Eat Reeces Peanut Butter Cups: The Weekend Wrap Up!

What an AMAZING weekend.  Pretty flawless if you ask me!  I could write an essay on how great this weekend was.  So, rather than write a lengthy article, I am going to hit you with the highlights!

- 88 Boadrum show at La Brea Tarpits w/Lauren and Christina
- Free Ice Cream!
- Free Tacos!
- Norms Dinner w/ John, Zach H., and Johnathan
- Afterparty @ The Montalban w/ Open Bar, and All you can eat awesome snacks!

- Taking John to LAX
- Bike Ride
- Taking Lauren Out to Masa for her birthday dinner
- Short Stop to celebrate Laurens Birthday!
- Being Hit On by Kirsten Dunst
- CJ Locking himself out of his bedroom, and spiderman-ing out the bathroom window onto the balcony to get back in at 3 AM

- Bike Ride
- ANOTHER Bike Ride/Lunch  with CJ
- Cleaning the house
- Picking up Liz from LAX
-  Hanging out with Paulene
Like I said, there are too many details to write out.  It would be the great american novel.  But, let me just say, that I could have not asked for a better weekend!  Simply Outstanding!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The 4 Diamond Hotel

As I type this, my hands are overwhelmed by some sort of mad itching.  It appeared without warning, and I hope it realizes that it is unwelcome here.  

Last night, after work I headed strait to LAX to pick up my buddy John who is in town until Saturday afternoon.  Its a short visit, but its awesome to have him in town again!  After the airport we headed to my Uncles hotel, over in Glendale.  We had a late dinner with him at the restaurant inside the Hotel.  I have never seen such a fancy bread basket in all of my life! It was paradise.  But you could only expect so much from a "4 diamond" hotel. haha. 

After Dinner, John and I headed back to my place to drop his stuff off.  We then made our way over to Bernie and Kozak's to hang out for a little while to celebrate Anna's day of birth.  John and I were both extremely exhausted and took off for home.

On, the way home we stopped off at Walgreens so John could pick up some sun block.  As we approached the counter I began to Yawn.  The Creepy woman behind the register exclaimed that my yawn was so great she could see my Belly Button.   Little known fact, however:  The Woman working at Walgreens at 1am on Thursday 8-7-08 lived in El Paso in the 80s.

So all I  have to do is make it through work, and then I shall be attending the 88 Boadrum thingy.  It is going to be RAD!  


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lisa Needs Braces! Dental Plan!

Yesterday, after work, I went on my daily bike ride.  My usual turnaround spot is towards the end of Echo Park, where the bike lane ends. But, Yesterday I was feeling so good, so energized, so PUMPED, I decided to venture on! So through the threshold I went.  And, about a minute later, I was in downtown L.A.  I knew I was close, but I never realized I was THAT close.  It was pretty awesome!  On my way back, I kept my eyes over my shoulder on the skyline.  My face was stuck in a smile.  I felt unstoppable.

Later that night I was supposed to go meet some friends at the Beauty Bar.  Unfortunately, sitting around,I got beyond sleepy.  I decided to stay in.  I have been going at it pretty hard, and a night in was called for.  I sat around with CJ and Eric and we had some good guys night in hanging outage.  Lets just say, Americas Funniest Videos were involved....haha.

Tonight After work I must head over to LAX to pick up John, then go eat dinner with my Uncle who is in town, then who knows from there!  Something totally fun and awesome I can assume..haha

Oh yeah... I really enjoyed this comic (thanks CJ)  

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

B-List Celebrity Reporting:

Kevin Nealon was just here at work.  He is super tall and he could not figure out how to leave the parking lot. haha.  And of Course Pauley Shore is here, but thats old news.

"Come say Hi to your Neighbors in #7"

Last night was UCB night.  My friend Franny is traveling across the country, and she found herself in L.A. for an undetermined amount of time. She is on a Travels with Charlie-esque journey, and it sounds way cool!  I would love to do something like that.  Roxie and myself, packing our bags and hitting the road in the ol' Chrysler Voyager.  Hopefully one day!  I have a feeling you would learn so much about yourself. 

Anyways, last night we decided to go to See You Next Tuesday.  Well, not so much decided, it is pretty habitual by now...haha.  We started the evening by me cooking up my famous Mac and Cheese and drinking some mexican grapefruit soda that was totally awesome!  I was somehow able to make the juice last at least an hour and a half. Its called savoring the tasty things in life. haha.  So after we ate, we made our way to the theatre.

The Host was awesomely funny!  And, it seems like there was a pattern with every other comic being off and on.  I am not sure if it was the grapefruit juice, but i felt a little nauseous during the first 2 comics.  The queasiness subsided, and I was able to enjoy the rest of the show. 

Back at the apartment, I was getting the mail, when I found a little note from my neighbors.  It was an invitation to say hello and a phone number, all written on the back of a Trader Joes receipt.  I think it may be from the cute girl I mentioned in a previous blog ... the one who brought me my clothes from the laundry room. haha.  So yeah, note passing can be fun ....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Do you need a foosball partner?

Wiped out again.   Everyone is telling me how tired I look this morning.  I think the Gloves (Danny Glover), said it best.  " I'm too old for this shit!"  I don't know if that is necessarily true.  I mean, I am relatively young.  And, although staying out late, paves the way for an awful morning.  Every moment spent in the evening is totally worth it.  Especially last night, as there wasmuch  celebration and sadness.

Last night my friends and their friends took over the Cha Cha.  We were there to celebrate Tristan's 21st Birthday, and sadly, Sarah's bon voyage to Portland.  I did not get to hang out with Sarah nearly as much as I would have liked.  Even in our brief relationship, she is one of the sweetest girls I have met in Los Angeles.  I will miss her for sure.  Neal, Christina, and myself  are already planning a trip to Portland in October!  I cannot wait!  I here is it so beautiful, and I am so anxious to see my Texas friends who have made their way on the Oregon trail.

Sally and Collin made their way out to the Cha Cha.  I know Sally fell in love with the place.  I am convincing her to move to L.A. !  Anyone who thinks L.A. is a terrible place, just has yet to experience it like I have.  There is so much this city has to offer!  I get a rush through my body, nearly everyday, of how great it is to be in this city!  Ever since the breakup, I have had a chance to take everything in, and begin to enjoy La La land to it's full extent.  AND, There is still so much more exploring to do! I can't wait!

As, I was walking around at the Cha Cha.  A gay guy approached me and asked me if I needed a foosball partner.  I really had no intention of playing foosball, but he kind of forced me into it...haha. So I asked Sally and Collin to come over and play foosball with us.  This dude, and myself schooled them !  Anyways, he was defiantly hitting on me, and it was kind of weird.  I do not have a problem with gay people at all.  My brother is gay, a lot of my friends are gay.  It's totally cool.  But, I still get uncomfortable when I am being hit on by a gay guy.  I guess its the same as if anyone was being hit on , by any unwelcome offer.  Luckily Tristan saw this, and sent in Christina to rescue me. haha.  Thanks my friend.

So, the lights came on, last call was over, and it was time to leave the bar.  I said my good-byes.  Tristan thought just because Sarah was leaving, that I would not be hanging out with these friends.  I thought that was silly.  All these kids are really cool, and I know we will be hanging out all the time!

So, we continue through this month.  AND a cray month this is!  All my friends from Texas decided to come this month.  I shall present the crazy schedule of friends who will be in town below:

Chart A:  Friends Who will be Visiting Los Angeles and Their Arrival Date:

Sally: Present
Franny: Present
John: August 7
Liz: August 10
Kam: August 14  :)
Marrissa:  August 15
Nichole:  August 18
Abby: August 19

I cannot wait to see everyone!  Its going to be nuts!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Caution: Sarah Spilled (:( ) : The Weekend Wrap Up

Wow, what a super long weekend we had here. haha.  I have not suffered from so much day exhaust since college.  The fatigue continues into today , where I overslept for work.  This is probably the first time this has ever happened to me, being that I am so anal about punctuality.   I was only an hour late, but still..I suck.  So with my weary hands, I will briefly sum up this weekends festivities.

Afterwork, I made a long time overdue journey to the 99 cent store.  The 99 cent store is a heavenly haven for Mr. MacFrugals, like myself.  I went to buy supplies for distressing t-shirts.  I am in the process of distressing one now.  If it goes good, I shall continue to make some awesomeness.

Later that night I met up with Sarah, Christina, and Neal.  We went to an "amoeba records" party over in the Echo Park area. It was a small house overflowing with all sorts of peeps.  It was pretty comforting actually.  It reminded me of a House party from home, with the only exception being, I did not know ANYONE.  But it was a lot of fun!  And I made new freinds, and was cake, and poetry magnets, and a DJ, and police officers.  It got busted around 2, by this time Sarah and Christina had taken off,  and Neal and I were left to fight through the party.  Neills friend Alex had left her jacket at the party, she texted Neal, and asked for him to find it.  I found the jacket sitting behind a HUGE black dude passed out in a chair. Alex was over at Neals, and like a night in shining armor, I returned the jacket to the princess with honor and dignity. haha.  I just made a recollection of the "Glass Slipper" incident at Rachels' party a little while ago. haha.  So, we hung out at Neals for a lil' bit. played some arcade, played with an adorable kitten, then it was time to call it a night.

Needless to say, I was completely exhausted Saturday.  I do recall sneaking in from Friday nights activities around 8am...whoops. haha. So I spent a good deal of the day sleeping.  I went on my daily bike ride around town.  Got re-aquatinted with my old friend television, which I NEVER watch anymore.  It's not that I am anti-TV watching , I am pro- so much other awesome things to do that do not involve sitting at home!  Anyways, I rested all day.  Then It was time to go out again.  I went to a "Dance" Party over at Sarahs.  She is moving, so they have an empty apartment.  It was good times!  Not much dancing, but still very nice.  Made some new friends here as well. Maybe some possible business connections.... haha.  I did not want to stay out TOO late again, so I left around 3... haha.

Still exhausted.  I took a bike ride around town, stopped at Micky D's for an ice cream cone, came home and cleaned the bathroom. haha.  Then , I was time for ASSSSSCAT at the UCB theatre.  The guest monologuist that evening was Greg Proops from Who's Line is it Anyways.  He seemed a lot more flamboyantly gay in person, then he seems on TV.  The night was funny, but I don't know if it was as comical as usual. Maybe it was the absence of Matt Walsh? Still great, just not AS GREAT, haha.  Afterwards, I met up with Sarah and Tristan and some others at the 101 cafe.  Hung out for a little bit, and went to meet Miss Sally Glass, who is in town for a few days, over at the Drawing Room.  Hung out for a little while, then it was totally bed time!

After showing up to work an hour late... I want to sneak out a little early to go catch Conor Oberst at  Amoeba, then Tonight is Sarah's Going Away/ Tristans Birthday party at the Cha Cha! 

Friday, August 1, 2008

Cha Ching

Last night was a pretty uneventful one.  I decided to stay in, and spend the night with Roxie.  I am away from home most of the time, and there is nothing like spending some quality time with your cat. haha.  So, last night I decided to hook up my BRAND NEW Projector!  I set up a little home theatre in the living room, complete with 5.1 surround sound.  It is pretty rad, if I must say so!  I watched Walk Hard.  Its a pretty bad movie for the most part, and I fell asleep towards the end.  You would think with that many great comedians, the movie would make you fall out of your seat with laughter.  Instead, it made me fall asleep on the couch in my home theatre. wah wah.  Thats about all I have to say on that.

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