Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Los Angeles Bunny Ranch Pub Crawl : The Weekend Wrap Up ( Labor Day Edition )

I hate beginning every entry with how exhausted I am .  So, I am going to begin todays Blog with a Children's Joke ...

What Did the Chewing Gum say to the Shoe?

" I'm stuck on you "

wah wah waaaaaaaaaah

So this weekend was NUTS.  I wish I had the motivation to type in detail about the weekends festivities, but instead I will do a short sentence wrap up.  Some parts are a little hazy, mainly due to my present exhaustion, and my ever lasting bad memory.  But feel free to ask for the details... haha

- Don't Really Remember where the night began...
- Met up with some peeps at the Red House, and proceeded to do the usual... Little Joy ( which by the way, just found out, the drummer from the Strokes named his new band after this hole in the wall establishment.  Thanks Entertainment Weekly)
- Met Some Girls, and Went with them to an After Party when the bar closed.  It was a beautiful house in Echo Park,  With an amazing back yard patio.  We then through around the idea of hitting up an "after" after party in the hills, but it was already 4am at this point, and way passed my bed time.
- Super Long Night. Over.-

- Hung out with Christina.  Went to the Bike Shop and replaced my rear wheel.  Ate some McDonchers. Went to Buffalo and visited Tristan.  Watched some TV.  Then Christina headed back to the OC.
- Met up with Tristan after he got out of work, and we went an ate at Happy Toms.  Both our first experience at Happy Toms, and both of us ate with approval.

(at this point, I am checking my text log to refresh my memory of where the night took us... Just realized, That the end of FRIDAYS entry was actually what I did SATURDAY entry... So Move it to here ---> ... Now I cant recall what I did Friday night.. Curse my terrible memory! ) 

- Cleaned Around the House 
- Met with Lauren to pick up some of her belongings, and switch Cars back.
- Hung around the house for a bit
- Went to Cha Cha / Little Joy ( where I ran into a waitress, who I noticed at some Nike after party, a little while ago.. Spent most of the night talking to her.  We then proceeded to the Grocery Store after the Bar closed, proceeded to have some late night snackage consisting of pizza rolls and peanut butter cup ice cream.  The Sun was up, so she left and I slept.  Going to sleep with the sun already out, is the worst feeling in the world! by the way.. haha)

MONDAY (Labor Day):
-  BBQ @ Neals (delicious)
- BBQ @ Chelsea and Leigha's
- Spaceland for a short amount of time. Caught some of Dios Malos, pretty good man, if I do say so...
- met the neighbors and Jared Paul at some  "private party" at a pretty lame bar.
- Met up with Just Long, Har Mar Superstar, and Kear O'Donnel at Good Luck.  There was this dude sitting with us who looked familiar. From some band, but I could not recall...then I saw Karen O' and I realized that it was the Yeah Yeah Yeahs...
- Got a text from a dude that he was having people over at his place in the Hills, so after the bar closed, The Neighbors, Justin, Har Mar, and Kear and myself headed over to the after party..
- Stayed out too late, and am now too sleepy

That about wraps it up! Tonight Centro-Matic is playing at Spaceland.  I really wanna go, and probably will! Hooray!

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