Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of JULY !!!

- This is me in my proper red/white/blue -
( I cant tell if I look European, or like a Gay )
( This Peace Sign I am holding with my hands will single handedly end the war in Iraq )


Here is a quick recap of yesterday....
-  All my friends got out of work early, but I had to work a full day...
- 3 Employee Birthdays (including myself) this weekend, and no ice cream cake :(
- Clint and Nicks 3rd of July Party, with fun dip!
- Getting to Video Chat with Mr. John Cantrell ... 

- July 4th Pool Party at Kozak and Bernies 
-Picking up my Mom at Union Station!
- Lunch with Mom, and showing her my work
- going back to pool party for a little bit

- Fireworks at the Beach!


Eric Edward Fishboy said...

well, you don't look European.....

happy bday bra.

Diana Kohne said...

Hey Skip,

Diana Kohne here. I heard you moved to Hollywood- and here I'll be for 6 weeks or so. If you can't place the face- I am a very good friend of Andrew's and I have been to many many Bracelet's shows. I haven't got myspace anymore, but you can communicate with me through the blog- or email