Yesterday was a very long day to say the least. In the morning upon return from one of my many runs as a P.A. I find a new guy sitting at my desk. This was a little frightening, seeing how the previous P.A. was fired, and I was the surprise upon his return. But, it was good news! It seems I received a waylay promotion, and will no longer be doing the bitch work of a P.A. anymore! It was ironic however, that my first day of promotion, I had to fill in for the night receptionist and work all night until 10. I was quite sleepy after yesterday.HAPPY VISIT
Kim was supposed to pick up some of her mail yesterday from the apartment. I was nervous, because this was pretty much the first time I would have seen her in almost a month. But, I ended up having to stay late at work. So, jokingly I said that she could stop by my work, take my keys, pick up the mail, and bring my keys back... I was a little shocked when she agreed to this. I was not quite sure what to expect when I saw her. I was definitely nervous and a little excited. I anticiapted an internal emotional outpour when I saw her. But, it was less severe than I had thought. Of course, feelings were there, and she looked beautiful as always...But, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It seems like we were just all smiles to see each other. There was no awkwardness, nothing painful, and I think for the most part.. nothing but positive energy. From yesterday, I do not predict and problems with us socializing on a friendly level. Although the encounter was fairly brief, it left a mirthful impression.
Tonight I am supposed to ride bikes on the beach with Noreen. Beach Bike riding is one of my most favorite activities ever!
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